How Social Anxiety Interfers Our Abilities.

Social anxiety interferes with one's ability to do many things in life, from basic to advanced. It can makes us appear less proficient at tasks than we really are, and it can restrict our ability to open up to others emotionally.

    It also keeps our focus on our anxiety, rather than on the tasks that are before us. It interferes with our feelings of self worth and self love, and causes us to automatically think lesser of ourselves, sometimes without us even being aware of it.

Here are the top 10 things social anxiety prevents :

  1. Taking charge of life and doing what needs to be done
  2. Feeling peaceful and calm around others
  3. Stopping racing, obsessive thoughts
  4. Freedom to express our true personality
  5. Finding a girlfriend/boyfriend
  6. Ability to trust other people
  7. Feeling OK to speak our minds
  8. Having a sense of belonging
  9. Making friends
  10. Finding a career we can enjoy

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